International Referendum
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Annex 1

Amendment: 2
Of project of norm: 1
QUESTION NF 1,2: For the Norms to have force of law which percentage of world population have to approve it?


1 2 3 4 5
Answer rate for A answer vs. answer rate for B answer  Difference between the 2 main answers Error margin of only 25% of the difference between the 2 main answers with highest rate Total vote required up to 2027 for a population of less than 9 000 000 000 peoples for a confidence level of 99% with the error percentage of the column 4
100% 0% 100% 25,00% 27
99% 1% 98% 24,50% 28
98% 2% 96% 24,00% 29
97% 3% 94% 23,50% 30
96% 4% 92% 23,00% 31
95% 5% 90% 22,50% 33
94% 6% 88% 22,00% 34
93% 7% 86% 21,50% 36
92% 8% 84% 21,00% 38
91% 9% 82% 20,50% 40
90% 10% 80% 20,00% 42
89% 11% 78% 19,50% 44
88% 12% 76% 19,00% 46
87% 13% 74% 18,50% 49
86% 14% 72% 18,00% 51
85% 15% 70% 17,50% 54
84% 16% 68% 17,00% 58
83% 17% 66% 16,50% 61
82% 18% 64% 16,00% 65
81% 19% 62% 15,50% 69
80% 20% 60% 15,00% 74
79% 21% 58% 14,50% 79
78% 22% 56% 14,00% 85
77% 23% 54% 13,50% 91
76% 24% 52% 13,00% 98
75% 25% 50% 12,50% 107
74% 26% 48% 12,00% 116
73% 27% 46% 11,50% 126
72% 28% 44% 11,00% 138
71% 29% 42% 10,50% 151
70% 30% 40% 10,00% 166
69% 31% 38% 9,50% 184
68% 32% 36% 9,00% 205
67% 33% 34% 8,50% 230
66% 34% 32% 8,00% 260
65% 35% 30% 7,50% 296
64% 36% 28% 7,00% 340
63% 37% 26% 6,50% 394
62% 38% 24% 6,00% 462
61% 39% 22% 5,50% 550
60% 40% 20% 5,00% 666
59% 41% 18% 4,50% 822
58% 42% 16% 4,00% 1040
57% 43% 14% 3,50% 1358
56% 44% 12% 3,00% 1849
55% 45% 10% 2,50% 2663
54% 46% 8% 2,00% 4160
53% 47% 6% 1,50% 7396
52% 48% 4% 1,00% 16641
51% 49% 2% 0,50% 66563
50% 50% 0% 0,00% 6 394 000 000




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